Our Children and the World’s Unreached Speak the Same Language.
Our children are bombarded by every form of secular media. From social media to video games, to TV on demand and the internet, every possible distraction is delivered up except for what they really need and long for — engaging and culturally relevant Christian media.
The unreached people groups of the world are mostly made up of those who cannot read or comprehend the printed page. They are starved for visual content that reveals God’s truth. The most effective way to reach them is proven — engaging and culturally relevant Christian media.
From our families to the field, RevelationMedia is on the forefront of delivering engaging and culturally relevant animated films. Films that promote Biblical literacy, discipleship and world evangelism. Films that are ALWAYS free to the missionary and to those who support our work.
“I’m impressed with the great possibilities for the new Animated Bible Series being developed by RevelationMedia. I’m especially interested in the animations they will be developing for the non-white, non-western populations of the world. Producing Bible study material for the non-western populations of the world and the house churches which are being planted globally, should be a priority of the global church.”—- Paul Eshleman, President, Issachar Initiative Founder and Director Emeritus, The Jesus Film Project
Become a Partner Today. Support the Work of RevelationMedia.
Your contribution will be used to produce and translate films like The Pilgrim’s Progress and iBIBLE to be distributed for FREE to the global missions community. With a contribution of $35 or more monthly, you will receive a FREE Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith DVD Gift Set and our two storybooks: the second edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress Illustrated Storybook, and the iBIBLE Storybook, Volume 1.

Receive Your Free Gift!
For a limited time, when you pledge a gift of $35 or more to RevelationMedia, you will also receive an exclusive gift set of the award-winning Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith series. This series consists of 16 episodes of Christian heroes on DVD and a 144-page, full-color activity book. This set is a $250 value and sure to inspire your entire family. You will also receive our two storybooks: the second edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress Illustrated Storybook, and the iBIBLE Storybook, Volume 1.
“I’m deeply grateful to such an amazing work which may prove to be one of the most powerful and effective progressive evangelism tools to spread the gospel to the lost world and especially to Muslims.”—Isik Abla, Founder and President of Isik Abla Ministries Former radical Muslim and one of the top voices to the Muslim world