RevelationMedia Presents
The Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith
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Jim ElliotJim Elliot worked to reach the people of Ecuador with the gospel, but the people did not trust them and killed his entire team. Although Jim’s team sacrificed their lives, their deaths were not in vain.
William TyndaleWilliam Tyndale worked diligently to translate the Bible into English while avoiding capture from the British government. But even after his arrest and death sentence, his hard work proved fruitful.
Martin LutherMartin Luther was a brilliant man, but he feared he was not good enough to escape God’s wrath. Finally, the Holy Spirit helped him see that salvation is given by God’s grace through faith in Jesus.
Robert Jermain ThomasAfter meeting Christian traders from Korea, Robert Jermain Thomas traveled there to spread the gospel and give out Bibles in the face of much persecution. However, his diligence would pay off in the years to come even though he was martyred for his faith.
Samuel MorrisSamuel Morris moved from Liberia to America to become a missionary as a young man. Samuel shared his faith in New York and at Taylor University in Indiana, and even though he died very young, his faithfulness to God inspired many to become missionaries.
William BoothWilliam Booth and his wife, Catherine, began preaching to the poor people on the East End of London, setting up soup kitchens and providing other services to help people live more hopeful lives. But they had no idea how big their ministry would one day become.
Eric LiddellEric Liddell was a national hero in Scotland who had a chance to compete in the 1924 Olympics. However, many people were angered when he refused to run a race on a Sunday. In spite of this, he went on to be a champion in sports and his faith.
Gladys AylwardGladys Aylward traveled to China to become a missionary and help end the custom of food binding. Through her ministry, Gladys was able to share God’s love with many Chinese people.
Richard WurmbrandPastor Richard Wurmbrand refused to stop preaching the gospel despite warnings from the communist government of Romania. As a result, he served 14 years in prison and dedicated the rest of his life to helping persecuted Christians.
PerpetuaPerpetua was arrested and thrown into prison for her faith when a Roman emperor decreed that no one could convert to Christianity. But her courage and faith served as a witness for Christ to many prison guards and officials.
Amy CarmichaelAmy Carmichael’s ministry led her to rescue girls who were forced to work as servants in the Hindu temples of India. Because of her service to the Lord, she became the “mother” of many children whose lives she had saved.
John BunyanJohn Bunyan refused to stop preaching illegally and was sentenced to prison. However, it was during his 12 years of imprisonment that he wrote his most influential work, The Pilgrim’s Progress.
AugustineAugustine spent most of his youth seeking after things of the world that only left him feeling empty. However, after eventually coming to Christ, he spent the last 40 years of his life fighting false teachings that were leading people away from the truth.
Corrie ten BoomDuring WWII, Corrie ten Boom began helping Jewish people get food and other necessities, ultimately hiding them in their home from the Nazis. Even after being taken to prison for her actions, her calling to help others was not yet over.
John WesleyAt age 39, John Wesley attended a Christian meeting where the Holy Spirit helped him understand that he could not earn his salvation. John went on to be a strong leader and God used him to create a great revival in England.
Adoniram and Ann JudsonAs America’s first missionaries to another country, Adoniram and Ann Judson worked to share the gospel in Burma and translate the Bible for the people there. The project took more than 25 years to complete, but their hard work would eventually bring many people to Christ.
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