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Please enter your email address below to register to watch Luther, the 2003 historical drama, and see a little-known monk spark the fire of the Reformation.
“I cannot and I will not recant,” Martin Luther said when presented with his very own writings at the Diet of Worms, the church of Rome threatening to have him excommunicated—or worse—executed. Luther took a stand against the abuses of the church of his day, sparking the Protestant Reformation. It is doubtful that the university teacher and monk realized what impact posting his 95 Theses on the door of the church at Wittenberg would have in his own life, let alone the rest of the church for years to come. And yet, that was just the beginning of Luther’s incredible story.
Watch a powerful display of faithfulness and commitment to the Word of God shown in Luther, the 2003 historical drama. Now online for FREE in RevelationMedia’s exclusive online event.
Prayerfully consider making a donation to RevelationMedia, and receive a FREE Luther DVD. Watch this dramatic presentation of Reformation history and support the ongoing efforts of RevelationMedia to provide families in the US and missionaries around the world with quality Christian content.
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”—Isaiah 52:7 (ESV)
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